You may have attempted to make juice in the past at home using a processor or a residential fruit and vegetable juicer, but there are key differences between our cold-pressed juice and juicing at home. One of the main differences is that we do not apply any heat at anytime during our process. Applying no heat during the juice extractions ensures that all nutrients and enzymes remain alive for consumption. Home centrifugal and masticating juicers produce heat that in turn decreases nutrients and enzymes in many cases up to 15%.
The first step after picking out our desired fruits and vegetables is to feed these items into our industrial cold pressed juicer. This top of the line juicer slowly pulverizes all the produce into a fine pulp, which then falls into a large mesh bag. Our juicer then applies a slow 2,000 pounds of pressure against the produce bag, extracting large quantities of cold pressed juice.
As soon as all of the juice is extracted from the produce, we then bottle and seal each juice immediately. We make sure to bottle and seal the juice immediately after pressing the produce to make sure the juice is kept as cold as possible and is exposed to as little air as possible. This ensures freshness.